Monday, January 21, 2013

TOP 25 Poll -- January 21st, 2013

We here at Foul To The Finish believe that the Top 25 polls should be updated throughout the offseason.  We also believe that Top 25 polls used before any games are played are stupid and useless in their current form.  Therefore, our offseason Top 25 polls will reflect a random subject of our choice.

Each team is ranked based on it's fan base's ability to survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

25.  Alabama 
--They'll claim the Zombie Apocalypse National Title, but we clearly don't think Nick Saban is the right guy for the job PAAAAAAWWWWWWLLLLLL

24. Georgia

23. Arkansas
--Unfortunately for Hogs fans, Zombies don't have to respond to FOIA requests.

22. Nebraska

21. Mississippi State
--The cowbells are eventually going to give them away.

20. South Carolina

19. Southern Mississippi

18. Oregon State

17. Air Force

16. Texas A&M
--They work together well and practice their yells.  Just not sure if yells will help them against a formidable foe such as zombies.

15. Minnesota
--FACT.  Zombies hate the cold.

14. Louisiana Tech
--The alma mater of the Duck Dynasty dude.  So you know they'll hunt these Zombies down one by one.

13. Wyoming

12. Oregon
--Phil Knight will have Nike develop some sort of space age uniforms to protect against zombie bites.

11. Texas Tech
--Even though Lubbock is bigger than Pittsburgh and their only defense is throwing tortillas.

10. Army
--They have the guns, and the training.  Inconvenient location though.

9. UL-Lafayette

8. Idaho

7. BYU
--Mormons have long prepared for this day...

6. LSU
--If anything else, they'll develop a recipe to make sure that the Zombies are delicious to eat.

5. Virginia Tech


3. West Virginia

2. Hawai'i
--All alone, on an island.  They'll be alright.  Colt Brennan says Aloha.

1. Navy
--Don't fuck with Navy, Zombies.  They have guns.  And big ass warships.

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